Weight Management

Weight Management

We have a bouquet of such institutions that are into providing world-class therapy through Ayurveda. We cater to all kinds of wellness treatments with the help of highly qualified and experienced professionals. At these destinations you can relax yourselves and enjoy the benefits of ayurveda.

Ananda Weight Management

Designed for those who feel the need to make positive lifestyle changes for a more optimal and fulfilling life. Ananda provides an atmosphere where one can learn how to gain control and balance in their lives. We believe that balance is the key to healthy weight management. The most effective way to improve your sense of well-being, vitality and overall health is to adopt a healthier lifestyle. This includes proper balanced nutrition, integrating the concept of mindfulness, healthy eating practices, regular physical activity, detoxification, stress management and creating a balanced daily routine.Ananda Weight Management Program is designed on an individual basis and addresses the physical and emotional challenges associated with weight loss and maintenance. Experience a new sense of balance through realistic, practical lifestyle solutions to maintain optimum health and well-being through the incorporation of active physiological and psychological rebalancing tools based on the ancient Indian concepts and philosophies of Ayurveda and Yoga. Revitalize the mind and body through a series of personalized spa treatments, therapies and fitness activities that will bring about healthy weight loss and a lifelong maintenance approach.


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