Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Gynaecology is the science relating to the anatomy and physiology of the female genital tract and its disorders. It deals with problems of menstruation, infertility and pelvic disorders, be it due to a swelling, infection or prolapse. It also covers other aspects such as diseases of the breast, sexually transmitted diseases, psychosexual disorder and family planning.

The department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology addresses the needs of women from their teen years, through pregnancy to menopause and beyond. With qualified specialists, specially trained nurses and the latest equipment to deal with high-risk pregnancy and pre-mature babies, this department is a referral centre for hospitals across India.

The tertiary care obstetrics centre offers extensive facilities for mother and childcare. A sophisticated and comprehensive IVF unit has also been established to facilitate childless couples

Apart from routine screenings and checkups, specialised procedures to deal with Ovarian cancer, reopening of fallopian tube blocks are also available.

Experts perform vaginal ultrasound for routine gynaecological evaluation and follicular study, ovum retrieval, Hysteroscopy and associated procedures.

Facilities such as Zeiss microscope for microsurgery on tubes, HSG and fluoroscopic guided tubal re-canalisation, semen bank and semen preparation by swim-up technique for IUI, Male infertility treatment through a testicular biopsy, Vasoepididymostomy, Varicocelectomy, Mesa, Re-canalisation are also available in the hospital.

Services offered include Diagnostic and extended laparoscopies like Micro ovariotomies, ovarian cystectomy, adhesio lysis and salpingostomy or salpingectomy for ectopic pregnancies, diagnosis of primary amenorrhea, infertility work up, and tubectomy.

The Gynaecology Department offers :

  • Diagnosis and treatment for common gynaecological problems: such as, Vulvovaginal ailments, sexually transmitted diseases, reproduction medication, pelvic inflammatory disease, hydatiform mole, cervical cancer etc (Treatment of cancer problems along with oncology department)
  • Diagnosis and treatment for benign breast diseases
  • Diagnosis and treatment for male and female infertility
  • Diagnosis and treatment of female urine incontinence and prolapse
  • Natural therapy for the treatment of recurrent bladder infections
  • Latest techniques of laparoscopic surgery for treatment of:
    - Endometriosis
    - Adhesions
    - Infertility investigations
  • Management of menopausal problems, in conjunction with the Endocrinologist
  • Advice and management of new modern contraception devices, such as :
    - Progesterone implants - Implanon
    - Progesterone releasing I.U.D. - Mirena
  • Management of vaginal bleeding disorders by :
    - Operative and hormonal therapy
    - Natural remedies
  • Management of vaginal infections.

Reproductive Medicine

A highly skilled and experienced team of infertility specialists with several years of experience manages the reproductive unit at our institutions.

You are assured of a warm and friendly atmosphere with personal care and private attention. Patient information sessions and counselling is also available.

The unit has specialists and scientists whose active interest covers both clinical and scientific fields in the lab. The unit has the latest advances in IVF Andrology Endocrinology. Facilities you can avail of are:

  • Sperm bank, ICSI
  • Assisted hatching
  • Egg donation and egg sharing program
  • Surrogacy
  • Embryo donation
  • Embryo freezing and replacement of frozen embryos to assist childless couples.


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