

Endocrinology is the medicine's part dedicated to the study of diseases and gland's activity in human body. They produce chemical substances, called hormones, which are put in blood and carried in the body to work on other organs. These hormones are produced by determined glands, have one or more specific functions and maintain the human organism in determined work situation. The alterations in hormone's production, in quantity or chemical formula may have various causes and these abnormalities may cause one or more differentiations in our body's work.

Department of Endocrinology at our institutions offers comprehensive services in diagnosis, treatment and management of all hormonal disorders.

Specialized clinics like obesity, bone health & thyroid are designed to provide comprehensive and state of art management.

The department offers a broad range of services for diabetes, thyroid disorders, growth abnormalities in children, infertility in males and females, osteoporosis, pituitary disorders, obesity management, hormone replacement therapy and various other hormonal disorders.

The department is backed up by DEXA Scan for bone mineral density, nuclear image for thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal disorders, Radio Immuno Assays (RIA) and hormone profiles.

The department of Endocrinology and Diabetes caters to the needs of

  • Diabetic patients
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Growth disorders in children
  • Pituitary disorders
  • Infertility both in males and females
  • Impotence
  • Excessive weight gain (obesity)
  • Endocrine hypertension.

The facilities to carry out all possible endocrine laboratory investigations are available in the hospital, including endocrine stimulation and suppression test.

Facilities for growth hormone therapy and monitoring in cases of short stature, treatment of toxic goitres, weight reduction programs and hormonal therapy for infertility including Assisted Reproductive Techniques in collaboration with the Department of IVF - are some of the important aspects of management available within the department. Super specialists attend to metabolic bone diseases with facilities for estimation of bone mineral density and monitoring of therapy for Osteoporosis.


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