Kalari Kovilakom

Kalari Kovilakom

Location : Kollengode, Kerala. Nearest Airport Cochin (2 Hour)

Kalari Kovilakom is the Palace of Ayurveda, perhaps the first and only one of its kind. It offers intensive programs in Ayurveda healing in a magnificent palatial setting that took years of restoration to create.

If the old legends are to be believed, a Prince came to the foothills of Kerala's Annamalai Hills around the 10th century. It seems he was afflicted with a particularly troublesome skin ailment. So he came to cure himself in the healing spring waters of this land. Possibly, he also sought the medicinal Venga tree that grew here in profusion. It was in the 19th century that they built Kalari Kovilakom. Today, Kalari Kovilakom has been restored and recreated into a unique experience in wellness.

Here each therapy is personal. The treatments are individually developed for you by the doctors, often combined with yoga and other methods to provide deep-seated, lasting change from within. Every treatment is based on your needs and your Ayurvedic body type.

There are no game rooms, no shopping expeditions, no television sets. The evenings are alive with chanting and hymns, unsullied by the sounds of the city.


21 Days Panchkarma - Rejuvenation Package

  • Accommodation (Kovilakom Suites) with all Meals (Vegetarian)
  • Ayurvedic Treatments as per doctor's advice
  • Medicines during treatment
  • Daily Yoga Session
  • Return Airport Transfer from Cochin Airport
  • All applicable taxes


Kalari Kovilakom is located 105 km (2 hours) from Cochin International Airport which is well connected with the rest of India as well as some overseas destinations. Coimbatore Airport is 75 km (1.5 hour) away which is also well connected to rest of India.


  • Ayurvedic beauty therapy centre
  • Extensive gardens growing Ayurvedic herbs
  • Yoga, meditation and chanting hall
  • Well-stocked library
  • Traditional Kalari arena
  • Spaces for music and cultural performances

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