Oncology and Onco - Surgery

Oncology and Onco - Surgery

The word "Oncology" is derived from two Greek words, onkos and logy. Onkos means a tumour, or mass, and logy means reason. Thus the two Greek words when put together imply the understanding, or study of, tumours.

Cancer is treated with the most enlightened, informed and humane approach at our institutions.

Our institutions are one of the few hospitals in India, which is equipped to provide comprehensive cancer care. It has a dedicated team of professionals to review cases and offer expert advice to those asking for a second opinion.

Our institutions' services are provided through specific organ clinics like The Breast Cancer Clinic, Brain Tumor Clinic and Thyroid Clinic.

The Tumor Board consists of a competent panel of Medical, Surgical and Radiation Oncologists. Along with diagnostic consultants, these panellists examine all cases and jointly decide on the line of treatment.

Medical counsellors, speech therapists, dieticians and other professionals that may be required in individual cases further support this panel of doctors. Cancer treatment has acquired a new dimension through highly sophisticated treatment techniques.

Medical Oncology

Over a thousand new patients are given chemotherapy every year. Conventional and intensive chemotherapy is routinely performed at the hospital.

Surgical Oncology

Complicated and delicate tumor excisions are a routine with our team of highly trained and motivated surgeons who are well supported by skilled operating theatre and recovery staff. The surgery success rates are comparable to the best centres in the world.

Radiation Oncology

The department of Radiation Oncology of our institutions has one of the most active Brachytherapy programs in the world.

In addition to intra-cavitary and intraluminal treatments, the clinic has developed many novel approaches to brachytherapy and is one of a very few medical centres having professional experience in these techniques.

The center uses the Iodine 125 permanent Seed Implant Technique using RAPID strand.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy

This is a non-invasive radiation technique employed to treat various types of intracranial lesions like arteriovenous malformation, meningiomas and acoustic schwa mins, usually done where risks of open surgery offer unacceptable odds.

Linear accelerator assisted stereo tactic radio surgery is a widely accepted form of treatment and is extremely cost-effective. Through this procedure deep seated lesions can be identified, visualized, analysed and treated precisely.

Our institutions are the first hospitals in India to offer this treatment.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery

Our Specialty Hospitals are the first center in South Asia to make available the Stereo tactic Radio surgery (SRS). More than 550 patients have undergone Stereo tactic radiation since May 27th 1995 when the first patient was treated.

Our Speciality Hospital is among the pioneers to offer IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) to the patients. Special types of radiotherapy like Whole Skin Electron Irradiation or Whole Body Irradiation are also carried out. These are carried out in support of the treatment of Leukaemia or Skin Lymphoma patients.

IMRT is an enormously powerful tool in the experienced hands of expert radiation oncologists. Several forms of HPI are being used at our institutions. The latest development is modulation of radiation intensity with Multi leaf Collimator.

Bone Marrow Transplantation

At our institutions, bone marrow transplants have been performed to treat conditions like acute myeloid leukaemia, lymphatic leukaemia, myeloma and Hodgkin's disease. Our institutions have a hi-tech BMT unit with 80 dedicated beds, which is the largest in the continent. This BMT unit is at par with the best in the world, and performs both allogenic, and auto logous BMTs.

We have performed over 130 Bone Marrow transplants.

Cord blood cell transplantation

Cord blood, rich in stem cells, is now being used for transplanting the HLA compatible factor.

Facilities for both autologous and allogenic transplantation are available at our hospital using a self- separator for stem cell harvest procedures and a freezing system to cryo-preserve the cells for future use. Facilities for Peripheral Stem Harvest Procedure are also available. The first successful Cord Blood Transplant was performed in our institutions


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