Studies in the field of ENT include:

  • Allergies
  • Facial Plastic Surgery
  • Head and Neck Cancer
  • Laryngology (Throat and Voice)
  • Otology (Ears)
  • Rhinology (Nose and Sinuses)

The ENT department at our institutions is fully equipped with the most modern diagnostic tools and has the facilities for Nasal Endoscopies, Tympanometry, Flexible Endoscopic Laryngoscopy, and Audiometry. The outpatient section has state- of- the- art audiology equipment handled by qualified audiologists and speech therapists.

Some of the most advanced diagnostic techniques such as the Brain Stem Evoked Audiometry (BERA) and Electro - physiological Diagnostic studies are also available in the department of Neuro-Physiology.

Another highlight of the department is the complex plastic surgical procedures involving the head and neck region including the management of oral sub-mucus fibrosis (a consequence of prolonged tobacco chewing habit) and uvulopatopharyngoplasty (Operation for snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome).

Stapedectomy, Tympanoplasty, Ossiculoplasty, Laryngectomy, Block dissections of the neck, Endolymphatic Sac Surgery for Meniere's disease, Voice Restoration Surgery are only some of the other services offered at our institutions.

Surgeries :

Routine surgeries of EAR, Nose & Throat, Head & Neck. Apart from the routine surgeries, our institutions have special expertise in the following:

  • Reconstructive middle ear surgery.
  • Surgery of the facial nerve.
  • Congenital ear anomalies.
  • Micro laryngeal surgery.
  • Surgery for snoring and sleep apnoea.
  • Thyroplasty.
  • Septoplasty and septorhinoplasty.
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
  • Head and neck cancer surgeries.
  • Revision ear surgeries.
  • Laser surgeries for several head and neck lesions.
  • Phonosurgery

We are proud to have a state of art Audiology & speech Therapy centre located in the sound treated environment .Following diagnostic and therapeutic procedure are undertaken :

  • Hearing Assessment suiting to all age groups (from one day after birth onwards) is performed with great accuracy.
  • Pure tone Audiometry.
  • Speech Audiometry.
  • Free field Audiometry Conditioned Response audiometry.
  • Behaviour Response audiometry.
  • Acoustic Immitance Studies including Tympanogram, Stapedial reflex, Reflex decay, Eustachian tube

function test (ETF1 & ETF2).

  • Special Tests of Hearing : SISI, Tine Decay Threshold , STAT, DLI, DLF, ABLB, MLB, MLD, MCL, UCL Loudness Scaling.
  • Electrophysiological evaluation of hearing through Brain Stem Evoked Response Audiometry, for threshold of Hearing Estimation & Otoneurological diagnosis.
  • Hearing aid Trial and Fitting.
  • Tests for pseudo hypacusis.

Assessment Evaluation and Treatment of Voice Speech and Language Disorders:

  • Voice disorders : Puberphonia, Androphonia,Hoarseness/Harshness/ Breathiness of voice, Hyponasality/Hypernasality of voice, spastic Dysphonia, Aphonia, Prophylaxis for professional voice users, Laryngectomy rehabilitation.
  • Fluency disorders: Stuttering/Stammering, cluttering.
  • Articulation disorders.
  • Cleft palate speech rehabilitation.
  • Neurogenic speech and language disorders like aphasias, apraxias and dysarthria
  • Therapy for swallowing disorders (dysphagia).
  • Delay in speech and language development due to hearing loss, mental retardation, autism.
  • Development and childhood aphasias.
  • Maintenance speech therapy in degenerative disorders.


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